February 07, 2022
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Landmark Sale
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Landmark has appeared! Unlike more recent landmark events, we will be selling this Landmark right inside of the Upland store. As with other store sales, there will be a 24-hour registration period prior to the sale start. Registration has already begun and will conclude at 8:00 AM PT tomorrow, February 8th. The sale will begin 1 hour later at 9:00 AM PT. Now, head to the Upland Store on the web and register now for a chance to grab this iconic property!
Open since 1995, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame's mission is to "engage, teach, and inspire through the power of rock and roll. We share stories of the people, events, and songs that shape our world through exhibits, innovative programs, and concerts."
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Details:
• City: Cleveland
• Address: 751 ERIESIDE AVE
• Size: 703 UP2
• Base Mint: 324,083 UPX
• Landmark Price: $8,280 USD
• Method: Store Sale
Note: This sale will only be available via the Web Version of the Upland App.