The $1M Earnings Milestone

August 11, 2021

The $1M Earnings Milestone

The $1M Earnings Milestone

Upland is nearing one of the most exciting milestones in its history. To date, players have earned more than $900,000 in Property-to-USD earnings, and will soon cross the $1,000,000 mark! This is a huge achievement and a testament to Upland’s “Play-to-Earn” model which brings us that much closer to our vision for the metaverse.

$1M Earnings Spark Giveaway

We’re eager to see our players surpass $1,000,000 in earnings, so we wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate with the community by hosting a huge Spark giveaway. Starting Friday, August 13th, at 9:00 AM PT, players will be able to qualify for an opportunity to win Spark by purchasing or selling properties for USD! 

Click Here to Sign Up

Property-to-USD Updates

Over the last few months, we have added thousands of players to our Property-to-USD program and have seen great success with its expansion. Players who wish to join the Property-to-USD program can sign up by visiting City Hall in San Francisco. As we continue to iterate on this program, we will be implementing the following changes to Property-to-USD: 

New Property Limits; Players will be able to sell 20 properties at a time (Up from 10)

New Cooldown Periods; Players who acquire properties are required to wait a certain number of days before those properties are eligible for Property-to-USD

  • Uplanders: 30 Days (No Change)
  • Pros: 14 Days (Down from 30)
  • Directors: 7 Days (Down from 30)
  • Executive & Chief Executive: 3 Days (Down from 30)

These changes will go into effect immediately.

This means that players who have a higher status in Upland will be able to start selling their properties for USD much sooner than before. We are also working with our partners at Tilia to develop the necessary features that would allow us to expand the maximum transaction threshold beyond $10k. We will provide further updates as they become available.

Final Thoughts

Upland’s economy continues to mature on a daily basis, and we are incredibly proud to see that players are truly benefiting from their experience in the metaverse. Play-to-Earn is no longer a fantasy and we are watching it come to life before our very eyes. Congratulations to everyone who has had a hand in making this a possibility, especially our wonderful community. On to the next million and beyond!