
It’s Time for Nashville!

November 02, 2021

It’s Time for Nashville!

We are very excited to announce that Nashville, Tennessee will be the next city releasing in the metaverse!

Nashville Release Details

Tomorrow Wednesday, November 3rd, at 8:00 AM PT, we will begin the release of Nashville.

Roughly ~20% of properties in Nashville will be reserved under the “Fair Start Act” (FSA). Similar to the release of New Orleans, Nashville will be released in Vanilla mode, and all collections will be revealed approximately 1 week after the city launch

Vanilla mode adds an additional layer of complexity to the city release experience, and we recognize that this style of release requires more skill and is also more exciting for all players. Ciphering details on collections will be released when they go live in the app.

What is Vanilla Mode?

Collection details for cities that are released in Vanilla Mode are minted to the blockchain prior to the release to ensure provable fairness for all players; please check out this Medium post for more details. When collections are revealed, all unminted properties will be repriced to reflect the collection’s impact on property value. It’s important to understand that Vanilla Mode adds an additional layer of skill to property-buying strategies, so be sure to plan accordingly.

Nashville Fun Facts

  • Nashville is named for Patriot general Francis Nash, Revolutionary War Hero who fell in battle during the Revolutionary War. 
  • The very first FM-broadcasting license was issued to Nashville’s WSM radio station in 1941. Announcer David Cobb is credited to be the first to call Nashville the “Music City” in the 1950s.

City Tiers Update

As Upland continues to grow, we have recognized the need to revisit the classification of cities to account for the wide variety of cities across the globe. Previously, we had classified cities as either High Tier, Mid Tier, or Low Tier, which had implications on send fees and FSA allocation. However, this model is far too restrictive given the dynamic nature of each city. As such, new cities will adhere to a brand new model that accounts for many more factors including size, fame factors, and real-world pricing. This new model will create many additional city tiers which should enable a better system for collections, FSA allocation, Landmark pricing, and more!

This new system has driven the logic behind FSA allocation in Nashville (~20%) which previously would have been much higher under the old system. In addition, the number of collections and landmarks has also been adjusted to fit this model. Please stay tuned for a full breakdown of new city classifications.

Getting to Nashville

Players can travel to Nashville via the airports in New Orleans, Chicago, Kansas City, or New York. Players can also travel via the train terminals in Kansas City, New Orleans, or Chicago. Flying via plane is a shorter ride but will cost a premium, players who wish to save will be better off traveling via the train.

Note: These new routes will have boosted capacity for a few days prior to and during the release.

Nashville Release Schedule

We will begin the release of Nashville by opening up 1 neighborhood as a stress test to ensure optimal performance. Pending a successful test, we will proceed with opening the remainder of all properties in Nashville.

Monday, November 1st

  • Train/Airport routes open to Nashville

Wednesday, November 3rd, starting at 8:00 AM PT

  • Stage 1: The “South Nashville” Neighborhood will be released in Nashville. This is to ensure the stability of the platform before proceeding.
  • Stage 2: Assuming stability and optimal performance, all remaining properties will be released in Nashville (excluding Landmarks and certain reserved properties).

We will give regular updates and reminders throughout this release in the #upland-updates channel in Discord.

Note: Planned releases are subject to change depending on the status of our systems. If there are any concerning issues, the release may be postponed or paused.