
July MV Motors Sale

July 13, 2023

July MV Motors Sale

Uplanders, it's time for the July MV Motors Sale! Get ready to purchase a new car from our extensive inventory of 510 vehicles, featuring the 2023 Series 2 and Series 4 models in various classic colors. Registration opens on Thursday, July 13th, at 8 AM PT, and the official sale begins on Friday, July 14th, at 9 AM PT. Don't miss out! Secure your place in the sale by registering now in the Upland Store.

MV Motors Sale Details

In this MV Motors Sale, we are delighted to present a vast selection of 510 cars ready for you to explore and purchase. Players will have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of models and colors that cater to all tastes and preferences. Our inventory for this sale features three different variations of the Series 2 L Trim model and six different variations of the Series 4 model (three L Trim models and three E Trim models). Get a sneak peek of the available cars by watching our video preview below. 


Registration starts: Thursday, July 13th, at 8 AM PT

Registration ends: Friday, July 14th, at 8 AM PT

Sale starts: Friday, July 14th, at 9 AM PT

Price: See chart below

Quantity: See chart below

Only the color and model are guaranteed at the time of purchase. Mint numbers will be determined by the order in which cars are reserved, starting with lower mints first. Your purchase reserves the vehicle for you, and it will be transferred to your account once manufacturing is complete. You can check the status of car production by exploring the MV Motors Manufacturing Plant at 4220 Network Cir, Santa Clara, CA.

How to register 

To register for the MV Motors Sale, simply open the Upland (mobile app or browser) and navigate to the Upland Store. Under “Specials” you will see each car for sale and can register for as many as you like.‍

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