Carnaval Structure Ornament Contest
December 13, 2022

[UPDATE 1.27.23]
Congratulations to the winners of the Carnaval Ornament Contest! You can check out the winning designs of the contest below.
Small Town House V1 Winner - The Great Beach Party by malamaca

Small Town House V2 Winner - Carnival Queen by Dashut

Ranch House Winner - Son of the Carnival by joelives

Micro House Winner - The Big Band by Deathender

Town House Winner - Primal Party Prince by BEN68

Apartment Building Winner - Futbol Fever by morecheese

Luxury Ranch House Winner - Flight of the Carnival by theagency

Luxury Modern House Winner - Curupira by Rustyoak

[UPDATE 1.24.23]
Below are the finalists for the Carnaval Ornament Contest! Go vote now for your favorite Carnaval Structure Ornament designs! Winners' designs will not only be sold in the Upland Store, but the players will also receive 70% of the UPX revenue generated from sales! Voting ends on Wednesday, January 25, at 11:59 PM PT.
Small Town House V1 Finalists

Small Town House V2 Finalists

Ranch House Finalists

Town House Finalists

- Bird Flower Carnaval Brick House Float by Origin541

Apartment Building Finalists

Luxury Ranch House Finalists

- La vida loca by leflof2p

Luxury Modern House Finalists

Micro House Finalists

The floats. The costumes. The samba. The parties! Brazil’s Carnaval is a celebration full of dancing, energy, and color. As the world’s biggest block party, we want players to help bring this amazing festival to the metaverse!
To get us ready for Upland’s Carnaval, we are hosting the Carnaval Ornament Contest! Players are invited to design and submit their own custom 3D Structure Ornament models and win an exclusive opportunity to have their Ornaments sold in the Upland store!
Sure, Carnaval isn’t until February, but we want to get a head start so players can give the Carnaval Ornament Contest their all! Players are welcome to submit their designs by January 9 at 11:59 PM PT, and the community will vote on the winning Structure Ornament. The winner’s design will not only be sold in the Upland Store, the player will receive 70% of the UPX revenue generated from sales!
What are Structure Ornaments?
Structure Ornaments are NFT skins for Upland buildings that allow players to apply unique visuals to their residential structures. A Structure Ornament is “fitted” to a specific structure. For example, purchasing a Structure Ornament for an Upland Town House structure means that Structure Ornament can only be used on a Town House. However, players can freely move a Structure Ornament from one structure to another as long as the Structure Ornament fits the structure (so a Town House Structure Ornament can be moved to any Town House a player owns).
Structure Ornaments are viewable in player’s asset wallets, and can be freely swapped between Uplanders. In the future, Structure Ornaments will be fully tradable via Metaventures.
Structure Ornaments are available for:
- Small Town House V1
- Small Town House V2
- Ranch House
- Town House
- Apartment Building
- Luxury Ranch House
- Luxury Modern House
- Micro House
Check out the Halloween-themed Structure Ornaments to get an idea of how these designs transform Upland structures.
Carnaval Ornament Contest Details
Players are invited to use their creativity to design and submit a Structure Ornament model that resonates with Brazil’s Carnaval.
Contestants must submit all materials before the deadline for consideration. Similar to other design contests, once models have been approved by the Upland team, the Upland community will have a chance to vote on their favorites via the in-game voting mechanic. There will be one winning Carnaval Structure Ornament for each of the eight existing structure models!
Use this link to submit your Carnaval Structure Ornament!
Note: Some models may be excluded from voting for various reasons such as IP violations or missed model requirements.
Contest Timeline
Submissions should be submitted before the deadline on January 9 at 11:59 PM PT. The Upland team will be reviewing models as they are submitting to ensure that all requirements are met. If there are issues with a submission, the Upland team will reach out to the designer to fix any errors. Please note, to limit stress on Upland operational resources, we will only be accepting one submission per player for this event.
See dates below:
Submissions closes: January 9 at 9:00 AM PT
Revisions closes: January 18 at 11:59 PM PT
Shortly after revisions close, we will announce when community voting begins to determine the winners.
Structure Ornament Specs
Carnaval Ornament Contest specs have been provided below, alongside structure template Blender files that players can work off of. Players are free to work off of what we have provided or go entirely off-script. Just be sure to follow the guidelines below.
Download the Blender Structure Ornament template files here.
Design Requirements, Restrictions, and Reservations
Contestants should adhere closely to the requirements and restrictions outlined below to avoid revisions or disqualification.
Model Requirements:
- Scale set to 1
- Origin at 0,0,0
- Model must be on ground with Z axes at 0
- Maximum File size 3MB
- Minimum File size 0MB
- Maximum Triangles 15,000
- Minimum Triangles 0
- Maximum Height- 800 meters
- Maximum Width- 800 meters
- Maximum Length- 800 meters
- Minimum Height 0 meters
- Minimum Width 0 meters
- Minimum Length 0 meters
- 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 UV map
- UV map must be baked
- UV map must be a compressed JPEG
- No more than 5 materials
- Material visibility is true
- Material opacity is 1
- No empty objects
- No morph targets
- No duplicate materials
- No duplicated textures
- No cameras
- No lights
- No animations
- Scale set to 1
- Origin at 0,0,0
- Model must be on ground with Z axes at 0
- Maximum File size 1MB
- Minimum File size 0KB
- Maximum Triangles 10,000
- Minimum Triangles 0
- Maximum Height- 800 meters
- Maximum Width- 800 meters
- Maximum Length- 800 meters
- Minimum Height 0 meters
- Minimum Width 0 meters
- Minimum Length 0 meters
- 256x256 UV map
- UV map must be baked
- UV map must be a compressed JPEG
- No more than 5 materials
- Material visibility is true
- Material opacity is 1
- No empty objects
- No morph targets
- No duplicate materials
- No duplicated textures
- No cameras
- No lights
- No animations
- No Upland Logos
- No Miles B Chain (llamas are OK without a monocle)
- No third party logos, signs, signage, or billboards
- No original IP, characters, brands or entertainers
- No cash, credit card, bitcoin, EOS, or Ethereum references
- No gambling references
- No offensive content that is defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or violent references
- No flags or religious symbols
- No drug or criminal references
Design Submissions
Let’s see what you can do! Players are welcome to use these sample Blender files and the walkthrough video to get started. When you have all your materials together, please follow our submission guidelines to ensure your Structure Ornament is properly submitted for consideration. Don’t let your hard work go to waste!
Note: The Upland team reserves the right to reject a model, for any reason. Also, the Upland team reserves the right to modify winning submissions to fit technical and production requirements at its discretion.
Please ensure you have ALL of the following submission materials:
- Ornament model name
- Ornament model description
- Upland email
- Upland username
- The Structure Ornament name for which the your designed is based on (template files)
- Model preview: Include the Structure Ornament design and chosen structure; use or an equivalent platform; it must be viewable to the public
- Preview image: Isometric Structure Ornament design and chosen structure; size: 1024x1024; file type: .png
- Blender file: Structure ornament and chosen structure; file type: .blend
- Model GLTF file wireframe: Structure Ornament and chosen structure; file type: .gltf
Use this link to submit your Carnaval Structure Ornament!
Submission Review
There is a two step review process for all submissions. First, our team will review all submissions to make sure that there are no materials missing, all files types are acceptable, and that your model does not violate any of the listed restrictions. After submissions pass this review they move onto the next step. For submissions that do not pass this phase otherwise, we will reach out to the designer for revisions and additional materials.
In the second phase, the Upland design team will review submissions to ensure they adhere to the model requirements listed above. If there are any issues with a model, we will reach out to request revisions. If there are no issues, we will accept it and prepare it for the community vote.
Throughout this process, it is important for contestants to check their email used on the submission form. The quicker the Upland design team receives revisions, the more likely the model will be accepted and made available for the community vote.
Please note that any revised submissions that are rejected after the re-submission deadline (on January 16 at 11:59 PM PT) will not be included for voting. So, it’s in each participant’s interest to re-submit promptly in the event that the model needs additional changes.
Carnaval is On!
It’s never too early to get in the Carnaval state of mind! We can’t wait to see what players dream up for this design contest. If you have an idea, don’t be afraid to let it all out – that’s what Carnaval is all about!