Thanksgiving 2023 Bundle Sale
November 17, 2023

As Thanksgiving draws near, we have some exciting news to share!
We’re excited to announce the arrival of the Thanksgiving 2023 Bundle Sale! In this bundle sale, players will have the chance to obtain Thanksgiving-themed Block Explorers, Map Assets, and a Wearable.
Registration for the Thanksgiving Bundle Sale opens on Friday, November 17th, at 8 AM PT, and the sale kicks off on Saturday, November 18th, at 9 AM PT.
Don't miss out on the chance to get your hands on these Thanksgiving-themed items! Be sure to Gobble up this opportunity!
Bundle Sale Details
Registration Opens: Friday, November 17th, at 8 AM PT
Registration Closes: Saturday, November 18th, at 8 AM PT
Sale Starts: Saturday, November 18th, at 9 AM PT
UPX Bundle Quantity: 300
UPX Bundle Price: 20,000 UPX
USD Bundle Quantity: 300
USD Bundle Price: $20
Bundle Description: The 'Thanksgiving Bundle' contains a unique mix of 2 NFTs, including a Block Explorer, and an additional item (75% chance for a Map Asset, otherwise a Wearable, with a small chance of getting a surprise unique item).
Note: We have extended the purchase window to three minutes to provide players with more time to complete their purchases. A cooldown period will be enforced for individuals interested in acquiring multiple Bundles. Lastly, be sure to update your Upland apps to the latest version to ensure you'll be able to see these new items in their complete form.
Breakdown of Thanksgiving Bundle
One type of Thanksgiving Bundle will be available on the web or mobile versions of the Upland Store for USD or UPX. Inside this bundle, players will have the opportunity to obtain one Thanksgiving Block Explorer along with either a Thanksgiving Map Asset or a Wearable Legit. Additionally, there's a rare chance for players to receive a unique item in these bundles!
Please note that the items within this bundle will be completely randomized when they are delivered.
Preview of Thanksgiving Bundle Items
Here’s a preview of this year’s Thanksgiving Block Explorers, Map Assets, and Wearables players have the potential to receive in the Bundles. We've got multiple Thanksgiving-themed designs for each of these asset categories. Take a look at the previews below.
Block Explorers Preview
Prepare to be captivated by five different Thanksgiving Block Explorers featured in the Thanksgiving Bundles. Here's a tantalizing glimpse of these Block Explorers:

Map Assets Preview
Immerse yourself in the festive spirit of Thanksgiving with five different Thanksgiving Map Assets available in the bundle.

Wearable Preview
Upgrade your Thanksgiving style with the Gobble Galore Wearable! Here’s a sneak peek of this fashionable Wearable:

Get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving in style with these festive items. You definitely don't want to miss the opportunity to add these unique items to your assets wallet!