
The Upland Swag Challenge

August 25, 2021

The Upland Swag Challenge

We want your swag ideas! Starting tomorrow, Thursday, August 26th, at 9:00 AM PT, players will be able to qualify to win 1 of 3 Oakland Ultra-Rare properties by completing a few in-game and out-of-game tasks.

In order to qualify for this giveaway, players must complete the following steps:

1. Use 3 Sends
2. Buy or Sell at least 1 Property
3. Click Here to complete the qualification form.
4. Submit an idea or design for some Upland swag that you'd love to get your hands on in the #upland-swag-challenge channel in Discord.

Note: Property swaps will NOT count towards qualification for this giveaway.

Entries will close on Friday, August 27th, at 9:00 AM PT. We can't wait to see your swag id