Upcoming Property Lock Timeline
November 21, 2024
The results are in! Following another community vote, Upland is moving forward with the new property lock initiative. The proposal to lock unminted properties over two years old has passed, and now we’re ready to kick off the initial phase of implementation.
In line with the community’s decision, Upland will be locking all non-FSAproperties in cities where unminted properties have been available for over two years. These properties will remain locked for at least one year. Importantly, after that year, no actions will be taken on these properties without prior notification to the Upland community.
Here’s a list of the cities meeting the criteria for the initial phase, along with their respective lock dates:
- Queens: Friday, November 22, 2024
- Chicago: Friday, November 22, 2024
- Kansas City: Friday, November 29, 2024
- Nashville: Friday, November 29, 2024
- Los Angeles: Friday, December 6, 2024
Please note, this is just the initial group of cities being locked; additional cities over two years old will be included in future property lock updates. Additionally, although Beverly Hills is within Los Angeles, properties in that neighborhood were never available for regular minting, and Beverly Hills properties will continue to be included in bundles.
We’re excited to see the community come together to shape the future of the Upland ecosystem, ensuring we grow in a way that meets everyone’s needs.
Thank you for your continued participation and commitment to Upland!