
Vote to Lock Long-Unminted Properties

November 21, 2024

Vote to Lock Long-Unminted Properties

Update: Voting Result are in:

  • 63% Yes
  • 37% No

We’re currently reviewing the results and will announce the next steps next week. Rest assured, nothing will be done without giving everyone a clear heads-up and timeline. Stay tuned for more updates, and keep your feedback coming at

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We’re always exploring new ways to help our community thrive and support a more dynamic secondary market. One big part of this is ensuring that our cities feel lively and built out, with plenty of opportunities for players to collaborate and grow together.

A perfect example of this effort is our current Road to the Big Game Challenge, where players are joining forces to build up New Orleans. Together, they’re transforming it into the vibrant, bustling city it’s meant to be!

In this spirit, we’re launching an in-game vote to get your feedback on a new mechanic designed to strengthen the secondary market and help boost future city development. Here’s the question at hand:

Should Upland close all unminted, unlocked, non-FSA properties that have been open for minting for over two years and lock them for at least one year (including from legacy bundles)?

By taking certain properties off the primary market, we hope to drive more activity in the secondary market, creating stronger community ties and helping cities reach their full potential.

The poll opens on Wednesday, November 13th at 11 AM PT and closes on Friday, November 15th at 11 AM PT.

Head to the Upland app now to cast your vote! Remember, you’ll need to have set your home address in order to participate.

Your voice matters, let’s build Upland’s future together!