World War II Memorial Day Tour
May 27, 2022
In honor of Memorial Day, we are hosting a tour of World War II memorials, forts, and museums around New York! Each location has a unique history and remembers those who fought for their country. Our first-ever cross-city tour will visit multiple locations throughout the New York region. So, get your transit maps ready and find your way to each location!
Our World War II Memorial Day Tour starts in Brooklyn on Monday, May 30th at 11:00 AM PT, before making its way to each of New York’s 5 boroughs. Registration for the World War II Memorial Day Tour is open NOW and ends 2 hours before the tour begins. Visit every location on this tour before it's over to earn 0.01 Spark!
Event Details
Registration Close: Monday, May 30th at 9:00 AM PT
Registration Cost: 2,000 UPX
Tour Open: Monday, May 30th at 11:00 AM PT
Tour Close: Tuesday, May 31th at 11:59 PM PT
Rewards: 0.01 Spark
Please keep in mind that despite traveling to other cities, the Tour details will only be visible when Brooklyn is selected on the Treasures tab in-app. You may need to switch the city selected on the Treasure tab back to Brooklyn to continue the Tour.
Note: Registered participants will receive 20 Sends at the start of the tour and reclaim ~100% of their registration fee throughout the tour. Spark rewards will be dropped after the tour ends.
Travel Routes
As you make your way through the tour, you will have to be required to travel between the cites of New York. To move between cities, first send your Block Explorer to the Terminal in your current city, then buy a ticket to your desired destination. For this tour, the total travel time is estimated to be just under 20 minutes.
Join the Upland Guide on Youtube!
YK2012 (a.k.a. the Upland Guide) will be hosting a special World War II Memorial Day Tour live on Youtube! Tune into his stream on Monday, May 30th at 11:00 AM PT to complete the tour with YK2012 and fellow Uplanders. Never heard of the Upland Guide, in his own words…
“The Upland Guide is the Upland Metaverse's premium guide for help and information as you begin your meta-life in the metaverse. Have you ever wanted to own a piece of land in your favorite city? Upland is a virtual property trading game based on real-world addresses. The base of the game allows people to buy, collect, sell and trade the land. True ownership is secured on the blockchain and rewards players with Upland’s in game currency UPX. The Upland Guide is complete with a step by step user manual, frequently asked questions (FAQs) and strategy to help set you up for growth in the metaverse.”
How to Participate
- Head into the Upland app and click on the menu at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on “treasures” and locate the "City Selection" button on the bottom left. Select Brooklyn.
- Once Brooklyn is selected, the World War II Memorial Day Tour should appear in the UI to register.
- When the tour goes live, you will be able to return to this screen to begin the tour!
Can't wait to have you join us on this journey as we tour and honor the legacy of those who fought for their country!