Who Requires
Require Spark to build and develop their properties and neighborhoods. Coming in 2024, players will also use Spark to charge their virtual vehicles for means of travel (a core metaverse mechanic) or leisure (e.g. racing).
Spark is used as a resource for the creation of user-generated content (“UGC”) NFTs. Upland Entrepreneurs also use Spark for the no-code manufacturing (minting) of virtual assets that can be traded with other players.
Require Spark to build structures on their properties, which currently include: Houses, Apartment Buildings, Factories, Stadiums, Cafes, Show Rooms, and Speedway Pole Structures.
Require Spark to build shops, factories, and showrooms to facilitate their “Metaventures” – player-owned businesses – that serve as specialized primary and secondary market shops in the economy.
Need Spark in a similar fashion to Upland Entrepreneurs. The partner/brand creates virtual assets that would be offered to players for purchase during events, in mini-games, and competitions. Spark powers the partner’s/brand’s metaverse strategy for fan engagement, co-creation, and monetization in the open metaverse.
Require Spark to establish map presence via “Dev Shops”  (unique constructions which allow players to discover and launch the developers’ offering from within the Upland map) for visibility. Spark fuels the implementation of their zero-code web3 and NFT strategy using the Upland platform.
What the Community
is Saying

This announcement caught me off guard! Huge news, and a huge step for Upland! Great work team!


More eyes, more wallets...


Fantastic idea to have sparks tradable on external markets. The 1000 sparklers per spark is also a great idea. Good luck in getting the go ahead to complete this mission. I am with you all the way. Bob.


Spark just got more valuable!
TH grind here I come!! Lol!
Haven't missed a day logging in for a year and don't plan to now! This is an infusion of momentum that Upland(dot)me needed!!!


The potential implications of this are marvelous and exciting IMO! @UplandMe


Huge news in @UplandMe 2222Even more exciting times ahead #uplandislife The Sparklet White Paper is coming. #upland is amazing